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Investor Relations
The Group will continue to employ an agile strategy framework to navigate emerging markets risks and utilise group synergies to respond to the macro-economic environment in the pursuit of profitable returns to its stakeholders.
Douglas Hoto, Group Chief Executive Officer
First Mutual Holdings Limited
First Mutual Holdings Limited is a leading financial management group in Zimbabwe offering services in risk management, wealth creation and wealth management in the insurance sector.
The Group has more than a hundred years of serving Zimbabwe by provision of economic dignity though its strategic business units. We have diverse interests in life assurance, health insurance, short term insurance; short term re-insurance; long term re-insurance; wealth management, property sector, funeral services and microfinance housed under the following subsidiaries; First Mutual Life, First Mutual Health, NicozDiamond Insurance, First Mutual Reinsurance, FMRE Property & Casualty (Botswana), First Mutual Wealth Management, First Mutual Properties, First Mutual Funeral Services and First Mutual Microfinance.